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Westhoff Completes 1st Year as NELA STL President

Fighting For Your Rights

We want the best outcome for you, whether that is an excellent severance package, a negotiated settlement or a vigorously prosecuted lawsuit. We are advocates for you, recognized locally and nationally as formidable lawyers.


Westhoff Completes 1st Year as NELA STL President

Ben Westhoff finished a successful term as the National Employment Lawyer Association’s St. Louis Chapter President. This year NELA St. Louis provided 9 educational and social meetings, which included Missouri Supreme Court Judge Fischer as a speaker. NELA St. Louis also participated in the planning and organizing of the Eighth Circuit NELA conference in Kansas City, Missouri.

NELA St. Louis is a membership-based organization that is comprised of lawyers who advise and represent employees in matters arising out of the workplace. The purposes of NELA St. Louis are to protect and advance employee rights, to educate the organization’s members and the public regarding issues that affect employees, and to assist and support lawyers who represent employees in employment-related claims.
